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ethical elephant ~ inspiring meaningful habits for positive change.
Introducing ethical elephant’s new brand logo and newly designed website!
I’ve been working with Brittany from Flourish Wildly for the past few months on creating a fresh and updated brand image that reflects ethical elephant’s mission. And that is simply to help you make better consumer choices.
Together, we’ve been working with the team at Sasaron to create a comprehensive and searchable online cruelty-free brand directory with advanced search filters.
This has been a dream of mine since my cruelty-free brand list went from 100 brands to over 1,000!
Additionally, so much has changed since I started my blog in 2015. I’m excited to expand my reach and explore new topics and issues that are just as important as being cruelty-free and vegan.
Because Cruelty-Free should also include free from cruelty to all animals, people, and the environment!
What’s New?
In addition to listing cruelty-free and vegan brands, I will now be considering other brand ethics & values.
On each brand page, you’ll now find information about:
- Where the company is based
- Where their products are made
- What type of products they offer
- Whether the brand is certified Cruelty-Free
As well as a summary of the brands:
- cruelty-free & vegan status
- ethical mining mica policy (if applicable)
- sustainability claims & initiatives
- eco-conscious packaging (plastic-free, zero-waste, recyclability)

My goal is to provide an overview of a brand’s ethics and values in one place. So that you can use the information I’ve provided while you research to find products and companies you feel proud of supporting.
What are your sources, and where did you get your information from?
I gathered all of the information on my site from reading and analyzing what’s already available on each brand’s website. And if I couldn’t find the information on their website, I emailed or messaged them to ask.
But feel free to call me out when you think I’ve been misinformed or have misinterpreted something. I’m an imperfect human, and I’m open to helpful feedback that I can learn from.
I used to say that I create these guides & lists and do all of the research so that you don’t have to. But I don’t think that’s accurate anymore. It’s impossible for me to know everything or know what’s best for you and your situation.
So I encourage you to use my resources and lists as an additional tool in your research. And to continually be asking questions, scrutinizing marketing claims, and learning more.
What’s Next?
I will be updating each brand’s page with more information and share some of the responses I received from brands so that you have access to the same information that I was provided. That way, you can interpret the same information and decide for yourself if the brand meets your own standards and values.
I’m also working on including information about each brand’s palm oil sourcing policy (this has been extremely difficult to gather). As well as taking a deeper dive into each brand’s sustainability claims.
As mentioned earlier, I had only looked at the available information on each brand’s website. But I would love to conduct interviews with the owners & founders to substantiate and understand some more of their sustainability claims and environmental commitments. And share what I learned along the way with you all.
I’m also working on a vegan fashion brand directory so stay tuned for that!
As always, thank you for choosing cruelty-free and for your continued support! It means everything to me and more 🐘💗